Kara Aimer

Kara AimerHi There! My name is Kara Aimer (sounds like ‘eye-mur’), and I mainly write How-To books in the realm of Family Relationships, and more specifically – in regards to babies, infants and toddlers.

Going through the rewards and challenges of these adventures in mommy-hood has given me a first-hand perspective to these circumstances. Going through the steps in becoming a new parent is difficult; some things come instinctively, but some do not. That’s why I write on this subject – to try and help as many new parents as possible with the parts that don’t come so naturally.

Don’t get me wrong, I was certainly not a perfect mother as soon as my first child entered the world! I had many of the same struggles as you may experience. Luckily, I was in a position to be able to research a TON and try and experiment with my own children, while keeping a close eye on what’s real and what’s unreliable. Now, I attempt to bring that knowledge to you, dear reader!

I sincerely hope that one or more of my books may be of great help to you or someone you care about. Please feel free to let me know if I have done my job. =)

To Your Blessed Family,

Kara Aimer

Bibliography (Click on each book to learn more):

Baby Sleep Training 101   Colic and your Crying Baby 1563 x 2500   Final cover Your Babys DietYour Health After Your Babys Birth   CFS Cover   Overcoming Fibromyalgia Cover
5:2 Diet   Oregano - Cover  Coconut_Oill_E book_Approval finalEssential_Oils_e book_approval final   Final _Hibiscus Tea_e book  Magnesium_e book cover_1563x2500Adrenal_Reset_Diet_final_e book   Sleep_Training_e Book_final_1563x2500  The_Hormone_Reset_Diet_Ebook_1563x2500

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