Benjamin Tideas

benjamin tideas

Welcome! My name is Benjamin Tideas, and I write [primarily] How-To and Self Improvement books.

Growing up in middle America as a youth and a young adult, I usually made things happen in my life that required a ton of hard work (notice I didn’t say smart work) but I accomplished several things I set out for including a family, higher education and a well-paying career.

However, I could always feel that something was missing and that I was an underachiever. After a somewhat devastating life event, I decided to stop and take a look at my life from ground zero – and thus began my journey into deep self-improvement. After several years in this mode, I began thinking, “You know, I just might be an acceptable source to pass on much of this new found knowledge, experience and inspiration.”

And so, here we are… I hope that one or more of my books may be of great help to you or someone you care about. Please, feel free to let me know if I’ve done my job. =)

Happy reading!

Benjamin Tideas


Bibliography (Click on each book to learn more):


BackgroundChecks-cover   binge_cover   whitening-teeth-cover     Bitcoin Basics   Dukan DIetTHE_DASH_DIET_COVER       Bitcoin_Trading_and_Investing_ebook cover_Final_ 1563x2500_300dpi   The HCG DietMediterranian Diet_e book_Cover_ 1563x2500_Final       Ultralight_Backpaking_E book_1563x2500 copy   Mediterranean_Diet_Recipes_ebook_1563x2500Hammock Camping_E book_final_1563x2500      Bitcoin Basics_Bitcoin Trading and Investing_box set_ 600x600





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